What is the battery life?

While recording direct to the unit 2 hrs. While streaming over WiFi 1,5 hrs. While standing by 4-5 hrs. BSP has 45min direct recording.

How much eye relief is consumed by Triggercam?

Triggercam eats approximately 1-inch of your eye relief.

How much capacity does the unit have for internal video storage?

The unit comes with a 16GB SD card BUT can use up to 64GB SD Card

How big are the video files?

In the native MP4 format the resulting videos generate ~10MB per minute of video.

Where is my video stored?

Video can be recorded to the internal SD memory card which has been tested to at least 64GB. Triggercam can also stream recordings to your smart phone via the Triggercam app which would put the limit at the limit of free space on your phone.

A Delay of live image between the Triggercam and my handheld device

Under User Settings on the Triggercam App press Clear cache

Does this unit require me to use my smart phone or portable camera?

No. Triggercam or BSP comes with its own HD camera built in. You won’t need your cell phone or a GoPro or anything else.

Would this work on a Nightforce or other scope which requires the rotation of the whole occular bell for magnification changes?

Scopes where the entire ocular bell turns to adjust magnification will naturally cause the Triggercam to rotate as well. Scopes with a magnification ring which is decoupled from the rest of the ocular bell will work just fine. We’ve tested on Minox, US Optics, Nikon, SWFA, S&B, Pentax, Vortex, GPO, Konus and many other scopes.